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Friday the 13th

Writing is hard. Creating is hard. And I don’t mean staring at a blank page and not being able to form a coherent sentence. But yes, it is also hard in that way. Pursuing any goal, is a lot of work. My regular 9-5 job is filled with amazing people. They are motivated, hard working, fun, kickass individuals that I enjoy working with. Honestly, they’re great. And so is the job. But as covered in prior posts, my dream and the thing I’m passionate about is writing and podcasting with my besties. Which means I spend several evenings, mornings, 3am sessions writing and editing, but finding the time is not easy. A little story for you about this week. I have been so busy with our summer schedule that I still haven’t finished editing the second episode of our Podcast - even though it was recorded at the end of June. The holiday week of the beginning of the month messed up my schedule and now as I’m writing this at 12:20am it’s the 13th. Friday the 13th technically! Monday and Tuesday I had the best of intentions of being home in time to edit the podcast but instead worked late. No worries. Wednesday I made a lot of progress but it was a slow process because I kept getting interrupted by phone calls. So once I wrapped up Wednesday night I was determined to finish the podcast editing on Thursday. I got out of work on time. I ran to the pet store and bought cat and dog food without getting distracted by cat toys and dog outfits in record time. Well at least decent time. I was on schedule! After fighting through rush hour I was finally home with an hour to myself before my husband got home. I took the dogs outside first and went to feed them when I saw my phone ringing. In the 5 mins we had been outside I had missed two calls and two text messages from my husband. I called him back quickly to see what was wrong. He told me, his voice full of frustration, that he had lost his keys at work. He’d looked everywhere, checked with everyone and currently couldn’t get home. Suddenly my hour of productive solitude was gone. And instead I spent the next 30 minutes driving to his work to give him his spare keys and then driving home again with a stop to Taco Bell on the way back. He apologized several times but I wasn’t mad at him. Yes the entire situation was frustrating, for each of us, but it wasn’t his fault and my husband is awesome. My husband who bought me a really nice microphone when I decided to start the Podcast. Who sat in our spare room with the dogs reading on his phone silently without complaint as my friends and I got sloshed on wine and talked about a book for two hours. He’s awesome. But the situation still sucked. My night of work had been undermined and delayed another day. Sure I could have eaten my quesadilla and then headed upstairs to work till I was done in theory. But the reality is I was too tired. So now I will try again tomorrow and if needed the weekend. My progress may be slow, but it is progress and life is going to get in the way of your best laid plans. Although you have to roll with the punches sometimes, or in the case of this week - several times, it’s still worth pushing forward. Don’t be discouraged if you didn’t accomplish as much as you wanted in a day. Set your goals as high as you can and do your best to smash them. You’ll get there eventually if you put the work in. You’ll get there as long as you don’t give up.  

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